Source code for pygauss.molecule

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri May 01 21:24:31 2015

@author: chris
import os
from io import BytesIO
import PIL
from PIL import Image, ImageChops
import copy 
import warnings

from math import degrees, atan2, sqrt, acos

import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import argrelextrema

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
from matplotlib.colors import ColorConverter
from matplotlib.offsetbox import OffsetImage, AnnotationBbox

with warnings.catch_warnings():
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

import pandas as pd

from IPython.display import Image as ipy_Image

from  import Handler

from import QtViewer
#have to add method to instances of
#from import rotation_matrix
from .transformations import rotation_matrix
[docs]def orbit_z(self, angle): # Subtract pivot point self.position -= self.pivot # Rotate rot = rotation_matrix(-angle, self.c)[:3,:3] self.position =, self.position) # Add again the pivot point self.position += self.pivot self.a =, self.a) self.b =, self.b) self.c =, self.c)
from import Camera Camera.orbit_z = orbit_z from import AtomRenderer from import BallAndStickRenderer from import LineRenderer from import TriangleRenderer from import WireframeRenderer #from import SSAOEffect # Screen Space Ambient Occlusion from chemlab.utils import cartesian from cclib.parser.utils import convertor from import get as str_to_colour from chemlab.qc import molecular_orbital #improvement to function #TODO not making this a depedency until it works from chemlab.qc.pgbf import pgbf try: import numexpr as ne def __call__(self,x,y,z): "Compute the amplitude of the PGBF at point x,y,z" I,J,K = self.powers dx,dy,dz = x-self.origin[0],y-self.origin[1],z-self.origin[2] n = self.norm e = self.exponent return ne.evaluate( 'n*(dx**I)*(dy**J)*(dz**K) * exp(-e*(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz))') pgbf.__call__ = __call__ except ImportError: pass #instead of chemview MolecularViewer to add defined colouring #also ignore; 'FutureWarning: IPython widgets are experimental and may change in the future.' with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") from .chemview_patch.viewer import MolecularViewer from .utils import circumcenter from .file_io import Folder from .isosurface import get_isosurface
[docs]class Molecule(object): def __init__(self, folderpath='', init_fname=False, opt_fname=False, freq_fname=False, nbo_fname=False, pes_fname=False, fail_silently=False, atom_groups={}, alignto=[], server=None, username=None, passwrd=None, folder_obj=None): """a class to analyse gaussian input/output of a single molecular geometry Parameters ---------- folderpath : str the folder path init_fname : str the intial geometry (.com) file opt_fname : str or list of str the optimisation log file freq_fname : str the frequency analysis log file nbo_fname : str the population analysis logfile pes_fname : str the potential energy scan logfile fail_silently : bool whether to raise an error if a file read fails (if True can use get_init_read_errors to see errors) atom_groups: {str:[int, ...]} groups of atoms that can be selected as a subset alignto: [int, int, int] the atom numbers to align the geometry to Notes ----- any of the file names can have wildcards (e.g. 'filename*.log) in them, as long as this resolves to a single path in the directory NB: nbo population analysis must be run with the GFInput flag to ensure data is output to the log file """ if folder_obj: self._folder = folder_obj else: self._folder = Folder(folderpath, server, username, passwrd) self._init_data = None self._prev_opt_data = [] self._opt_data = None self._freq_data = None self._nbo_data = None self._pes_data = [] self._alignment_atom_indxs = () self._t_matrix = None if alignto: self.set_alignment_atoms(*alignto) self._atom_groups = atom_groups parts=[['init', init_fname, self.add_initialgeom], ['opt', opt_fname, self.add_optimisation], ['freq', freq_fname, self.add_frequency], ['nbo', nbo_fname, self.add_nbo_analysis], ['pes', pes_fname, self.add_pes_analysis]] self._init_read_errors = [] for typ, fname, method in parts: if fname: if fail_silently: try: method(fname) except Exception, e: self._init_read_errors.append([typ, fname, str(e)]) else: method(fname)
[docs] def get_folder(self): """ return the Folder instance """ return self._folder
[docs] def get_atom_group(self, group): """return list of atoms in group """ if group is None: return group if type(group) is str: if not self._atom_groups.has_key(group): raise ValueError('the molecule does not have an; {0}, atom group'.format(group)) return self._atom_groups[group] atoms = [] for i in group: if type(i) is str: if not self._atom_groups.has_key(i): raise ValueError('the molecule does not have an; {0}, atom group'.format(i)) atoms.extend(self._atom_groups[i]) elif type(i) is int: atoms.append(i) else: raise ValueError('atom must be an integer') return list(set(atoms))
[docs] def get_init_read_errors(self): """ get read errors, recorded if fail_silently was set to True on initialise """ return self._init_read_errors[:]
def __repr__(self): return '<PyGauss Molecule>' def __deepcopy__(self, memo): if not self._folder.islocal(): warnings.warn('Cannot deepcopy non-local folder object (reverting to user home path)') self._folder = Folder(os.path.expanduser('~')) cls = self.__class__ result = cls.__new__(cls) memo[id(self)] = result for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): setattr(result, k, copy.deepcopy(v, memo)) return result def _get_data(self, file_name, ftype='gaussian'): if not with self._folder as folder: with folder.read_file(file_name) as fd: data = Handler(fd, ftype) else: with self._folder.read_file(file_name) as fd: data = Handler(fd, ftype) return data
[docs] def add_initialgeom(self, file_name): self._init_data = self._get_data(file_name, ftype='gausscom')
[docs] def add_optimisation(self, file_name): if type(file_name) is list or type(file_name) is tuple: self._opt_data = self._get_data(file_name[-1]) self._prev_opt_data = [] for f in file_name[:-1]: self._prev_opt_data.append(self._get_data(f)) else: self._opt_data = self._get_data(file_name)
[docs] def add_frequency(self, file_name): self._freq_data = self._get_data(file_name)
[docs] def add_nbo_analysis(self, file_name): self._nbo_data = self._get_data(file_name)
[docs] def add_pes_analysis(self, file_names): if type(file_names) is str: file_names = [file_names] self._pes_data = [self._get_data(fname) for fname in file_names]
def _read_data(self, ftype, dtype): """ read data """ if not getattr(self, ftype): raise ValueError( '{0} has not been set for this molecule'.format(ftype)) return getattr(self, ftype).read(dtype)
[docs] def get_basis_descript(self): return self._read_data('_opt_data', 'basis_descript')
[docs] def get_basis_funcs(self): return self._read_data('_opt_data', 'nbasis')
[docs] def get_run_error(self, rtype='opt'): """True if there were errors in the computation, else False """ return getattr(self, '_{0}_data'.format(rtype)).read('run_error')
[docs] def is_optimised(self): """ was the geometry optimised """ return self._read_data('_opt_data', 'optdone')
[docs] def get_opt_energy(self, units='eV', final=True, zpe_correct=False): """ return the SCF optimisation energy(s) Parameters ---------- units : str the unit type of the energy final : bool return only the final optimised energy if True, else for all steps zpe_correct : bool apply zero-point energy correction (found in frequency log) to final optimised energy Returns ------- energy : float or list of floats dependant on final """ if not self._opt_data: return np.nan energies = self._read_data('_opt_data', 'scfenergies') if energies.shape[0] == 0: return np.nan if final else energies if not units == 'eV': energies = convertor(energies, 'eV', units) if zpe_correct: energies[-1] += self.get_zeropt_energy(units=units) return energies[-1] if final else energies
[docs] def get_zeropt_energy(self, units='eV'): """ return the zero-point energy correction Parameters ---------- units : str the unit type of the energy Returns ------- energy : float zero-point energy correction """ if not self._freq_data: return np.nan energy = self._read_data('_freq_data', 'zeropt_energy') if not units == 'eV': energy = convertor(energy, 'eV', units) return energy
[docs] def plot_opt_energy(self, units='eV', linecolor='blue', ax=None): """ plot SCF optimisation energy Returns ------- data : matplotlib.axes.Axes plotted optimisation data """ energies = self._read_data('_opt_data', 'scfenergies') ylabel = 'Energy ({0})'.format(units) xlabel = 'Optimisation Step' for data in reversed(self._prev_opt_data): energies = np.concatenate(['scfenergies'), energies]) if not units == 'eV': energies = convertor(energies, 'eV', units) if not ax: f, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.grid(True) ax.plot(energies, color=linecolor) return ax
[docs] def is_conformer(self, cutoff=0.): """False if any frequencies in the frequency analysis were negative""" imgaginary_freqs = self._read_data('_freq_data', 'vibfreqs') < cutoff return not imgaginary_freqs.any()
[docs] def get_freq_analysis(self): """return frequency analysis Returns ------- data : pandas.DataFrame frequency data """ frequencies = self._read_data('_freq_data', 'vibfreqs') irs = self._read_data('_freq_data', 'vibirs') return pd.DataFrame(zip(frequencies, irs), columns=['Frequency ($cm^{-1}$)', 'IR Intensity ($km/mol$)'])
[docs] def plot_freq_analysis(self, color='blue', alpha=1, marker_size=20, ax=None): """plot frequency analysis Returns ------- data : matplotlib.axes.Axes plotted frequency data """ df = self.get_freq_analysis() if not ax: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.grid(True) ax.set_xlabel('Frequency ($cm^{-1}$)') ax.set_ylabel('IR Intensity ($km/mol$)')['Frequency ($cm^{-1}$)'], df['IR Intensity ($km/mol$)'], align='center', width=30, linewidth=0, alpha=alpha,color=color) ax.scatter(df['Frequency ($cm^{-1}$)'], df['IR Intensity ($km/mol$)'] , marker='o',alpha=alpha,color=color, s=marker_size) ax.set_ybound(-10) return ax
[docs] def set_alignment_atoms(self, idx1, idx2, idx3): assert type(idx1) is int and type(idx2) is int and type(idx3) is int self._alignment_atom_indxs = (idx1, idx2, idx3)
[docs] def remove_alignment_atoms(self): self._alignment_atom_indxs = ()
def _midpoint_coordinates(self, coord_list): return np.mean(np.array(coord_list), axis=0) def _midpoint_atoms(self, molecule, atom_ids): return np.mean(molecule.r_array[atom_ids], axis=0) def _create_transform_matrix(self, c1, c2, c3): """ A function to take three coordinates and creates a transformation matrix that aligns their plane with the standard axes there centre point will be at (0, 0, 0) c1 will be aligned to the x-axis the normal to the plane will be aligned to the z-axis """ # find midpoint of coords c0 = circumcenter([c1, c2, c3]) #c0 = self._midpoint_coordinates([c1, c2, c3]) #translate c0 to the origin [0,0,0] and pick two vectors v1=c1-c0; v2=c2-c0; v3=c3-c0 #now find the orthonormal basis set # a plane is a*x+b*y+c*z+d=0 where[a,b,c] is the normal and d is 0 # (since the origin now intercepts the plane). Thus, we calculate; normal = np.cross(v2,v3) #a, b, c = normal vf3 = normal/np.linalg.norm(normal) vf1 = v1/np.linalg.norm(v1) vf2 = np.cross(vf3, vf1) vf2 = vf2/np.linalg.norm(vf2) #create the translation matrix that moves the new basis to the origin ident=np.vstack((np.identity(3), np.zeros(3))) translate_matrix = np.hstack((ident, np.array(np.append(-c0, 1))[np.newaxis].T)) #create the rotation matrix that rotates the new basis onto the standard basis rotation_matrix = np.hstack((np.array([vf1, vf2, vf3, np.zeros(3)]), np.array(np.append([0, 0, 0], 1))[np.newaxis].T)) # translate before rotating transform_matrix =, translate_matrix) return transform_matrix def _apply_transfom_matrix(self, transform_matrix, coords): """apply transform matrix calculated in _create_transform_matrix """ if transform_matrix is None: return coords t_coords = [, np.array(np.append(coord, 1))[np.newaxis].T)[:-1].flatten() for coord in coords] return np.array(t_coords) def _create_molecule(self, optimised=True, opt_step=False, scan_step=False, gbonds=True, data=None, alignment_atoms=None): """create molecule """ if not optimised: molecule = self._read_data('_init_data', 'molecule') else: indata = data if data else self._opt_data if not type(opt_step) is bool: molecule ='molecule', step=opt_step) elif not type(scan_step) is bool: molecule ='molecule', scan=scan_step) else: molecule ='molecule') if gbonds: molecule.guess_bonds() t_matrix = None if alignment_atoms: a, b, c = alignment_atoms a0, b0, c0 = molecule.r_array[[a-1,b-1,c-1]] t_matrix = self._create_transform_matrix(a0,b0,c0) elif self._alignment_atom_indxs: a, b, c = self._alignment_atom_indxs a0, b0, c0 = molecule.r_array[[a-1,b-1,c-1]] t_matrix = self._create_transform_matrix(a0,b0,c0) molecule.r_array = self._apply_transfom_matrix(t_matrix, molecule.r_array) self._t_matrix = t_matrix return molecule #instead of from chemlab.notebook import display_molecule to add ball_stick def _view_molecule(self, molecule, represent='vdw', colorlist=[]): """active representationion of molecule using chemview """ allowed_rep = ['none', 'wire', 'vdw', 'ball_stick'] if represent not in allowed_rep: raise ValueError( 'unknown molecule representation: {0}, must be in {1}'.format( represent, allowed_rep)) topology = { 'atom_types': molecule.type_array, 'bonds': molecule.bonds } mv = MolecularViewer(molecule.r_array, topology) if molecule.n_bonds != 0: if represent=='ball_stick': mv.ball_and_sticks(colorlist=colorlist) elif represent=='wire': mv.points(size=0.15, colorlist=colorlist) mv.lines(colorlist=colorlist) else: raise NotImplementedError('none and vdw not implemented in active view') else: mv.points() return mv def _trim_image(self, im): """ a simple solution to trim whitespace on the image 1. It gets the border colour from the top left pixel, using getpixel, so you don't need to pass the colour. 2. Subtracts a scalar from the differenced image, this is a quick way of saturating all values under 100, 100, 100 to zero. So is a neat way to remove any 'wobble' resulting from compression. """ bg =, im.size, im.getpixel((0,0))) diff = ImageChops.difference(im, bg) diff = ImageChops.add(diff, diff, 2.0, -100) bbox = diff.getbbox() if bbox: return im.crop(bbox) def _image_molecule(self, molecule, represent='vdw', background='white', colorlist=[], transparent=False, rotation=[0., 0., 0.], width=300, height=300, zoom=1., lines=[], linestyle='impostors', surfaces=[]): """create image of molecule Parameters ---------- molecule : chemlab.core.molecule.Molecule the molecule to image represent : str representation of molecule ('none', 'wire', 'vdw' or 'ball_stick') background : matplotlib.colors background color colorlist : list color override for each of the atoms (if empty colored by atom type) transparent=True : whether atoms should be transparent (based on alpha value) zoom : float zoom level of images width : int width of original images height : int height of original images (although width takes precedent) lines : list lines to add to the image in the form; [start_coord, end_coord, start_color, end_color, width, dashed] surfaces : list surfaces to add to the image in the format; [vertices, normals, colors, transparent, wireframe] Returns ------- image : PIL.Image an image of the system """ allowed_rep = ['none', 'wire', 'vdw', 'ball_stick'] if represent not in allowed_rep: raise ValueError( 'unknown molecule representation: {0}, must be in {1}'.format( represent, allowed_rep)) v = QtViewer() w = v.widget w.background_color = tuple([int(i*255) for i in ColorConverter().to_rgba(background)]) w.initializeGL() if represent=='ball_stick': r = v.add_renderer(BallAndStickRenderer, molecule.r_array, molecule.type_array, molecule.bonds, rgba_array=colorlist, linestyle=linestyle, transparent=transparent) elif represent=='vdw': r = v.add_renderer(AtomRenderer, molecule.r_array, molecule.type_array, rgba_array=colorlist, transparent=transparent) elif represent=='wire': r = v.add_renderer(WireframeRenderer, molecule.r_array, molecule.type_array, molecule.bonds) elif represent=='none': r = None for line in lines: #line = [start_coord, end_coord, start_color, end_color, width, dashed] #for some reason it didn't like unpacking them to named variables v.add_renderer(LineRenderer, [line[0], line[1]], [[str_to_colour(line[2]), str_to_colour(line[3])]], width=line[4], dashed=line[5]) for surface in surfaces: vertices, normals, colors, transparent, wireframe = surface v.add_renderer(TriangleRenderer, vertices, normals, colors, transparent=transparent, wireframe=wireframe) #v.add_post_processing(SSAOEffect)*1./zoom)[0]*np.pi/180.)[1]*np.pi/180.)[2]*np.pi/180.) image = w.toimage(width, height) # Cleanup v.clear() del v del w del r return self._trim_image(image) def _concat_images_horizontal(self, images, gap=10, background='white'): """ concatentate one or more PIL images horizontally Parameters ---------- images : PIL.Image list the images to concatenate gap : int the pixel gap between images background : PIL.ImageColor background color (as supported by PIL.ImageColor) """ if len(images) == 1: return images[0] total_width = sum([img.size[0] for img in images]) + len(images)*gap max_height = max([img.size[1] for img in images]) final_img ="RGBA", (total_width, max_height), color=background) horizontal_position = 0 for img in images: final_img.paste(img, (horizontal_position, 0)) horizontal_position += img.size[0] + gap return final_img def _concat_images_vertical(self, images, gap=10): """ concatentate one or more PIL images vertically Parameters ---------- images : PIL.Image list the images to concatenate gap : int the pixel gap between images """ if len(images) == 1: return images[0] total_width = sum([img.size[0] for img in images]) max_height = max([img.size[1] for img in images]) + len(images)*gap final_img ="RGBA", (total_width, max_height), color='white') vertical_position = 0 for img in images: final_img.paste(img, (0, vertical_position)) vertical_position += img.size[1] + gap return final_img def _color_to_transparent(self, image, color=(255, 255, 255)): """ sets alpha to 0 for specific colour in PIL image Parameters ---------- image : PIL.Image the images to process color : (int, int, int) the RGB (0 to 255) color to set alpha to 0 """ datas = image.getdata() newData = [] for item in datas: if item[0] == color[0] and item[1] == color[1] and item[2] == color[2]: newData.append((color[0], color[1], color[2], 0)) else: newData.append(item) image.putdata(newData) return image def _show_molecule(self, molecule, active=False, represent='vdw', rotations=[[0., 0., 0.]], background='white', colorlist=[], transparent=False, axis_length=0, lines=[], linestyle='impostors', surfaces=[], zoom=1., width=300, height=300, ipyimg=True): """show the molecule Parameters ---------- molecule : chemlab.core.molecule.Molecule the molecule to image active : bool whether the molecule representation should be interactive (ipython notebook only) represent : str representation of molecule ('none', 'wire', 'vdw' or 'ball_stick') background : matplotlib.colors background color colorlist : list color override for each of the atoms (if empty colored by atom type) transparent=True : whether atoms should be transparent (based on alpha value) axis_length :float if non-zero lines will be drawn along each axis to +/- axis_length lines : list lines to add to the image in the form; [start_coord, end_coord, start_color, end_color, width, dashed] surfaces : list surfaces to add to the image in the format; [vertices, normals, colors, transparent, wireframe] zoom : float zoom level of images width : int width of original images height : int height of original images (although width takes precedent) ipyimg : bool whether to return an IPython image, PIL image otherwise Returns ------- mol : IPython.display.Image or PIL.Image an image of the molecule in the format specified by ipyimg or an active representation """ if active: return self._view_molecule(molecule, represent=represent, colorlist=colorlist) else: drawlines=lines[:] if axis_length: if type(axis_length) is list or type(axis_length) is tuple: neg_length, pos_length = axis_length else: neg_length = pos_length = axis_length drawlines.append([(-1*neg_length,0,0), (pos_length,0,0), 'red', 'dark_red', 3, True]) drawlines.append([(0,-1*neg_length,0), (0,pos_length,0), 'light_green', 'dark_green', 3, True]) drawlines.append([(0,0,-1*neg_length), (0,0,pos_length), 'light_blue', 'dark_blue', 3, True]) images = [] for rotation in rotations: images.append(self._image_molecule(molecule, represent=represent, background=background, colorlist=colorlist, rotation=rotation, zoom=zoom, width=width, height=width, lines=drawlines, linestyle=linestyle, transparent=transparent, surfaces=surfaces)) image = self._concat_images_horizontal(images, background=background) del images if ipyimg: b = BytesIO(), format='png') return ipy_Image(data=b.getvalue()) else: return image
[docs] def show_initial(self, gbonds=True, active=False, represent='vdw', rotations=[[0., 0., 0.]], zoom=1., width=300, height=300, axis_length=0, lines=[], background='white', ipyimg=True): """show initial geometry (before optimisation) of molecule coloured by atom type """ molecule = self._create_molecule(optimised=False, gbonds=gbonds) return self._show_molecule(molecule, active=active, background=background, represent=represent, rotations=rotations, zoom=zoom, lines=lines, axis_length=axis_length, ipyimg=ipyimg)
[docs] def show_optimisation(self, opt_step=False, gbonds=True, active=False, represent='vdw', rotations=[[0., 0., 0.]], zoom=1., width=300, height=300, axis_length=0, lines=[], background='white', ipyimg=True): """show optimised geometry of molecule coloured by atom type """ molecule = self._create_molecule(optimised=True, opt_step=opt_step, gbonds=gbonds) return self._show_molecule(molecule, active=active, background=background, represent=represent, rotations=rotations, zoom=zoom, lines=lines, axis_length=axis_length, width=width, height=height, ipyimg=ipyimg)
def _rgb_to_hex(self, rgb): """convert RGB color to hex format""" return int('0x%02x%02x%02x' % rgb[:3], 16) def _get_highlight_colors(self, natoms, atomlists, active=False, alpha=0.7): norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=1, vmax=len(atomlists)) cmap = cm.jet_r m = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap) colorlist = [(211, 211, 211, int(255*alpha)) for n in range(natoms)] for n in range(natoms): for group, atomlist in enumerate(atomlists): if n+1 in atomlist: colorlist[n] = m.to_rgba(group+1, bytes=True) break if active: colorlist = [self._rgb_to_hex(col) for col in colorlist] return colorlist
[docs] def show_highlight_atoms(self, atomlists, transparent=False, alpha=0.7, gbonds=True, active=False, optimised=True, background='white', represent='vdw', rotations=[[0., 0., 0.]], zoom=1., width=300, height=300, axis_length=0, lines=[], ipyimg=True): """show optimised geometry of molecule with certain atoms highlighted """ if optimised: natoms = self._read_data('_opt_data', 'natom') else: natoms = self._read_data('_init_data', 'natom') atomlists=[self.get_atom_group(grp) for grp in atomlists] colorlist = self._get_highlight_colors(natoms, atomlists, active, alpha=alpha) molecule = self._create_molecule(optimised=optimised, gbonds=gbonds) if transparent: linestyle='lines' else: linestyle='impostors' return self._show_molecule(molecule, active=active, transparent=transparent, represent=represent, background=background, rotations=rotations, zoom=zoom, colorlist=colorlist, linestyle=linestyle, lines=lines, axis_length=axis_length, width=width, height=height, ipyimg=ipyimg)
def _write_init_file(self, molecule, file_name, descript='', overwrite=False, decimals=8, charge=0, multiplicity=1, folder_obj=None): """ write a template gaussian input file to folder """ if not type(charge) is int or not type(multiplicity) is int: raise ValueError('charge and multiplicity of molecule must be defined') if not folder_obj: folder_obj = self._folder with folder_obj as folder: with folder.write_file(file_name+'', overwrite) as f: f.write('%chk={0}_init.chk \n'.format(file_name)) f.write('# opt b3lyp/3-21g \n') f.write('\n') f.write('{0} \n'.format(descript)) f.write('\n') f.write('{0} {1} \n'.format(charge, multiplicity)) for t, c in zip(molecule.type_array, molecule.r_array*10.): # nanometers to angstrom x, y, z = c.round(decimals) f.write(' {0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3} \n'.format(t, x, y, z)) f.write('\n') return True def _array_transformation(self, array, rotations, transpose=[0,0,0]): """ 3D rotation around x-axis, then y-axis, then z-axis, then transposition """ if rotations == [0,0,0]: new = array else: x, y, z = rotations rot_x = rotation_matrix(x*np.pi/180., [1, 0, 0])[:3,:3] rot_y = rotation_matrix(y*np.pi/180., [0, 1, 0])[:3,:3] rot_z = rotation_matrix(z*np.pi/180., [0, 0, 1])[:3,:3] rot =,, rot_x)) new = np.array([, coord) for coord in array]) new[:,0] += transpose[0] new[:,1] += transpose[1] new[:,2] += transpose[2] return new
[docs] def combine_molecules(self, other_mol, self_atoms=False, other_atoms=False, self_rotation=[0,0,0], other_rotation=[0,0,0], self_transpose=[0,0,0], other_transpose=[0,0,0], self_opt=True, other_opt=True, charge=None, multiplicity=None, out_name=False, descript='', overwrite=False, active=False, background='white', represent='ball_stick', rotations=[[0., 0., 0.]], zoom=1., width=300, height=300, axis_length=0, ipyimg=True, folder_obj=None): """ transpose in nanometers """ mol = self._create_molecule(optimised=self_opt) if self_atoms: self_atoms = self.get_atom_group(self_atoms) self_indxs = np.array(self_atoms) - 1 mol.r_array = mol.r_array[self_indxs] mol.type_array = mol.type_array[self_indxs] mol.r_array = self._array_transformation(mol.r_array, self_rotation, self_transpose) mol_atoms = [i+1 for i in range(len(mol.type_array))] other = other_mol._create_molecule(optimised=other_opt) if other_atoms: other_atoms = other_mol.get_atom_group(other_atoms) other_indxs = np.array(other_atoms) - 1 other.r_array = other.r_array[other_indxs] other.type_array = other.type_array[other_indxs] other.r_array = self._array_transformation(other.r_array, other_rotation, other_transpose) other_atoms = [i+1+len(mol.type_array) for i in range(len(other.type_array))] mol.r_array = np.concatenate([mol.r_array, other.r_array]) mol.type_array = np.concatenate([mol.type_array, other.type_array]) mol.guess_bonds() if out_name: self._write_init_file(mol, out_name, descript, overwrite, charge=charge, multiplicity=multiplicity, folder_obj=folder_obj) colorlist = self._get_highlight_colors(len(mol.type_array), [mol_atoms, other_atoms], active) return self._show_molecule(mol, active=active, represent=represent, rotations=rotations, zoom=zoom, background=background, colorlist=colorlist, axis_length=axis_length, width=width, height=height, ipyimg=ipyimg, )
def _get_charge_colors(self, relative=False, minval=-1, maxval=1, alpha=None): charges = self._read_data('_nbo_data', 'atomcharges')['natural'] if relative: minval, maxval = (min(charges), max(charges)) norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=minval, vmax=maxval) cmap = cm.bwr m = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap) colors=m.to_rgba(charges, alpha=alpha, bytes=True) return colors
[docs] def show_nbo_charges(self, gbonds=True, active=False, background='white', relative=False, minval=-1, maxval=1, represent='vdw', rotations=[[0., 0., 0.]], zoom=1., width=300, height=300, axis_length=0, lines=[], ipyimg=True): """ show optimised geometry coloured by charge from nbo analysis """ colorlist = self._get_charge_colors(relative, minval, maxval) molecule = self._create_molecule(optimised=True, gbonds=gbonds) return self._show_molecule(molecule, active=active, represent=represent, rotations=rotations, zoom=zoom, background=background, colorlist=colorlist, lines=lines, axis_length=axis_length, width=width, height=height, ipyimg=ipyimg)
[docs] def get_orbital_count(self): """return number of orbitals """ moenergies = self._read_data('_nbo_data', "moenergies")[0] return int(moenergies.shape[0])
def _find_nearest_above(self, my_array, target): diff = my_array - target mask =, 0) # We need to mask the negative differences and zero # since we are looking for values above if np.all(mask): return None # returns None if target is greater than any value masked_diff =, mask) return masked_diff.argmin() def _find_nearest_below(self, my_array, target): diff = my_array - target mask =, 0) # We need to mask the positive differences and zero # since we are looking for values above if np.all(mask): return None # returns None if target is lower than any value masked_diff =, mask) return masked_diff.argmax()
[docs] def get_orbital_homo_lumo(self): """return orbital numbers of homo and lumo """ homo = self._read_data('_nbo_data', 'homos')[-1]+1 lumo = homo + 1 #moenergies = self._read_data('_nbo_data', "moenergies")[0] #homo = self._find_nearest_below(moenergies, 0.) + 1 #lumo = self._find_nearest_above(moenergies, 0.) + 1 return homo, lumo
[docs] def get_orbital_energies(self, orbitals, eunits='eV'): """the orbital energies for listed orbitals Parameters ---------- orbitals : int or iterable of ints the orbital(s) to return energies for (starting at 1) eunits : str the units of energy Returns ------- moenergies : numpy.array energy for each orbital """ orbitals = np.array(orbitals, ndmin=1, dtype=int) assert np.all(orbitals>0) and np.all(orbitals<=self.get_orbital_count()), ( 'orbitals must be in range 1 to number of orbitals') moenergies = self._read_data('_nbo_data', "moenergies")[0] if not eunits=='eV': moenergies = convertor(moenergies, 'eV', eunits) return moenergies[orbitals-1]
[docs] def yield_orbital_images(self, orbitals, iso_value=0.02, extents=(2,2,2), transparent=True, alpha=0.5, wireframe=True, background='white', bond_color=(255, 0, 0), antibond_color=(0, 255, 0), resolution=100, gbonds=True, represent='ball_stick', rotations=[[0., 0., 0.]], zoom=1., width=300, height=300, axis_length=0, lines=[], ipyimg=True): """yield orbital images Parameters ---------- orbitals : int or list of ints the orbitals to show (in range 1 to number of orbitals) iso_value : float The value for which the function should be constant. extents : (float, float, float) +/- x,y,z to extend the molecule geometrty when constructing the surface transparent : bool whether iso-surface should be transparent (based on alpha value) alpha : alpha value of iso-surface wireframe : whether iso-surface should be wireframe (or solid) background : matplotlib.colors background color bond_color : color of bonding orbital surface in RGB format antibond_color : color of anti-bonding orbital surface in RGB format resolution : int The number of grid point to use for the surface. An high value will give better quality but lower performance. gbonds : bool guess bonds between atoms (via distance) represent : str representation of molecule ('none', 'wire', 'vdw' or 'ball_stick') zoom : float zoom level of images width : int width of original images height : int height of original images (although width takes precedent) axis_length : float length of x,y,z axes in negative and positive directions lines : [start_coord, end_coord, start_color, end_color, width, dashed] lines to add to image ipyimg : bool whether to return an IPython image, PIL image otherwise Returns ------- mol : IPython.display.Image or PIL.Image an image of the molecule in the format specified by ipyimg """ warnings.warn('Orbitals are currently an experimental feature') orbitals = np.array(orbitals, ndmin=1, dtype=int) assert np.all(orbitals>0) and np.all(orbitals<=self.get_orbital_count()), ( 'orbitals must be in range 1 to number of orbitals') r, g, b = bond_color bond_rgba = (r, g, b, int(255*alpha)) r, g, b = antibond_color antibond_rgba = (r, g, b, int(255*alpha)) #To fix issue with rotations #TODO could probably do this better (no self._t_matrix) alignto = self._alignment_atom_indxs[:] self._alignment_atom_indxs = None r_array = self._create_molecule(optimised=True).r_array self._alignment_atom_indxs = alignto molecule = self._create_molecule(optimised=True, gbonds=gbonds) mocoeffs = self._read_data('_nbo_data', "mocoeffs") gbasis = self._read_data('_nbo_data', "gbasis") for orbital in orbitals: coefficients = mocoeffs[0][orbital-1] f = molecular_orbital(r_array.astype('float32'), coefficients.astype('float32'), gbasis) surfaces = [] b_iso = get_isosurface(r_array, f, iso_value, bond_rgba, resolution=resolution) if b_iso: verts, normals, colors = b_iso verts = self._apply_transfom_matrix(self._t_matrix, verts) normals = self._apply_transfom_matrix(self._t_matrix, normals) surfaces.append([verts, normals, colors, transparent, wireframe]) a_iso = get_isosurface(molecule.r_array, f, -iso_value, antibond_rgba, resolution=resolution) if a_iso: averts, anormals, acolors = a_iso averts = self._apply_transfom_matrix(self._t_matrix, averts) anormals = self._apply_transfom_matrix(self._t_matrix, anormals) surfaces.append([averts, anormals, acolors, transparent,wireframe]) yield self._show_molecule(molecule, represent=represent, background=background, rotations=rotations, zoom=zoom, surfaces=surfaces, transparent=False, lines=lines, axis_length=axis_length, width=width, height=height, ipyimg=ipyimg)
[docs] def show_active_orbital(self, orbital, iso_value=0.03, alpha=0.5, bond_color=(255, 0, 0), antibond_color=(0, 255, 0), gbonds=True): """get interactive representation of orbital Parameters ---------- orbital : int the orbital to show (in range 1 to number of orbitals) iso_value : float The value for which the function should be constant. alpha : alpha value of iso-surface bond_color : color of bonding orbital surface in RGB format antibond_color : color of anti-bonding orbital surface in RGB format gbonds : bool guess bonds between atoms (via distance) """ orbital = np.array(orbital, ndmin=1, dtype=int) assert np.all(orbital>0) and np.all(orbital<=self.get_orbital_count()), ( 'orbital must be in range 1 to number of orbitals') orbital = orbital[0] r, g, b = bond_color bond_rgba = (r, g, b, int(255*alpha)) r, g, b = antibond_color antibond_rgba = (r, g, b, int(255*alpha)) molecule = self._create_molecule(optimised=True, gbonds=gbonds) mocoeffs = self._read_data('_nbo_data', "mocoeffs") gbasis = self._read_data('_nbo_data', "gbasis") coefficients = mocoeffs[0][orbital-1] f = molecular_orbital(molecule.r_array.astype('float32'), coefficients.astype('float32'), gbasis) mv = MolecularViewer(molecule.r_array, { 'atom_types': molecule.type_array, 'bonds': molecule.bonds }) mv.wireframe() mv.add_isosurface(f, isolevel=iso_value, color=self._rgb_to_hex(bond_rgba)) mv.add_isosurface(f, isolevel=-iso_value, color=self._rgb_to_hex(antibond_rgba)) return mv
def _converter(self, val, unit1, unit2): multiple = {('nm', 'nm') : 1., ('nm', 'Angstrom') : 10.} return val * multiple[(unit1, unit2)]
[docs] def calc_min_dist(self, idx_list1, idx_list2, optimisation=True, units='nm', ignore_missing=True): """ indexes start at 1 """ if optimisation: molecule = self._read_data('_opt_data', 'molecule') else: molecule = self._read_data('_init_data', 'molecule') idx_list1 = self.get_atom_group(idx_list1) idx_list2 = self.get_atom_group(idx_list2) # remove atoms not in molecule if ignore_missing: idx_list1 = [idx for idx in idx_list1[:] if idx <= molecule.n_atoms] idx_list2 = [idx for idx in idx_list2[:] if idx <= molecule.n_atoms] if not idx_list1 or not idx_list2: return np.nan indx_combis = cartesian([idx_list1, idx_list2]) c1 = molecule.r_array[indx_combis[:, 0]-1] c2 = molecule.r_array[indx_combis[:, 1]-1] dist = np.min(np.linalg.norm(c1-c2, axis=1)) return self._converter(dist, 'nm', units)
[docs] def calc_bond_angle(self, indxs, optimisation=True, mol=None): """ Returns the angle in degrees between three points """ if mol: molecule = mol elif optimisation: molecule = self._read_data('_opt_data', 'molecule') else: molecule = self._read_data('_init_data', 'molecule') v1 = molecule.r_array[indxs[0]-1] - molecule.r_array[indxs[1]-1] v2 = molecule.r_array[indxs[2]-1] - molecule.r_array[indxs[1]-1] cosang =, v2) sinang = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(v1, v2)) return np.degrees(np.arctan2(sinang, cosang))
[docs] def calc_dihedral_angle(self, indxs, optimisation=True, mol=None): """ Returns the angle in degrees between four points """ if mol: molecule = mol elif optimisation: molecule = self._read_data('_opt_data', 'molecule') else: molecule = self._read_data('_init_data', 'molecule') p = np.array([molecule.r_array[indxs[0]-1], molecule.r_array[indxs[1]-1], molecule.r_array[indxs[2]-1], molecule.r_array[indxs[3]-1]]) b = p[:-1] - p[1:] b[0] *= -1 v = np.array( [ v - ([1])/b[1].dot(b[1])) * b[1] for v in [b[0], b[2]] ] ) # Normalize vectors v /= np.sqrt(np.einsum('...i,...i', v, v)).reshape(-1,1) b1 = b[1] / np.linalg.norm(b[1]) x =[0], v[1]) m = np.cross(v[0], b1) y =, v[1]) angle = np.degrees(np.arctan2( y, x )) return angle #np.mod(angle, 360)
[docs] def calc_polar_coords_from_plane(self, p1, p2, p3, c, optimisation=True, units='nm'): """ returns the distance r and angles theta, phi of atom c to the circumcenter of the plane formed by [p1, p2, p3] the plane formed will have; x-axis along p1, y-axis anticlock-wise towards p2, z-axis normal to the plane theta (azimuth) is the in-plane angle from the x-axis towards the y-axis phi (inclination) is the out-of-plane angle from the x-axis towards the z-axis """ alignto = self._alignment_atom_indxs[:] self._alignment_atom_indxs = (p1, p2, p3) if optimisation: molecule = self._create_molecule(optimised=True) else: molecule = self._create_molecule(optimised=False) if len(molecule.r_array)<c: self._alignment_atom_indxs = alignto return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan x, y, z = molecule.r_array[c-1] r = self._converter(sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z), 'nm', units) theta = degrees(atan2(y, x)) phi = degrees(atan2(z, x)) self._alignment_atom_indxs = alignto return r, theta, phi
[docs] def calc_2plane_angle(self, p1, p2, optimisation=True): """return angle of planes """ a1, a2, a3 = self.get_atom_group(p1) b1, b2, b3 = self.get_atom_group(p2) if optimisation: molecule = self._read_data('_opt_data', 'molecule') else: molecule = self._read_data('_init_data', 'molecule') v1a = molecule.r_array[a2-1] - molecule.r_array[a1-1] v2a = molecule.r_array[a3-1] - molecule.r_array[a1-1] v1b = molecule.r_array[b2-1] - molecule.r_array[b1-1] v2b = molecule.r_array[b3-1] - molecule.r_array[b1-1] vnormala = np.cross(v1a,v2a) vnormalb = np.cross(v1b,v2b) cos_theta =, vnormalb)/( np.linalg.norm(vnormala)*np.linalg.norm(vnormalb)) #account for rounding errors if cos_theta > 1.: cos_theta = 1. if cos_theta < -1.: cos_theta = -1. return degrees(acos(cos_theta))
[docs] def calc_opt_trajectory(self, atom, plane=[]): """ calculate the trajectory of an atom as it is optimised, relative to a plane of three atoms """ alignto = self._alignment_atom_indxs[:] self._alignment_atom_indxs = plane #get coord from init mol = self._create_molecule(optimised=False) init = mol.r_array[atom-1] #get coords from opt opts=[] for data in self._prev_opt_data + [self._opt_data]: run = [] for n in range(len('atomcoords'))): mol = self._create_molecule(data=data, opt_step=n) run.append(mol.r_array[atom-1]) opts.append(np.array(run)) self._alignment_atom_indxs = alignto return init, opts
_SUFFIXES = {1: 'st', 2: 'nd', 3: 'rd'} def _ordinal(self, num): # I'm checking for 10-20 because those are the digits that # don't follow the normal counting scheme. if 10 <= num % 100 <= 20: suffix = 'th' else: # the second parameter is a default. suffix = self._SUFFIXES.get(num % 10, 'th') return str(num) + suffix
[docs] def plot_opt_trajectory(self, atom, plane=[], ax_lims=None, ax_labels=False): """plot the trajectory of an atom as it is optimised, relative to a plane of three atoms """ init, opts = self.calc_opt_trajectory(atom, plane) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.scatter(init[0], init[1], init[2], c='r', s=30, label='Initial Position') ax.scatter(opts[-1][-1,0], opts[-1][-1,1], opts[-1][-1,2], c=['g'], s=30, label='Optimised Position') for i, opt in enumerate(opts): ax.plot(opt[:,0], opt[:,1], opt[:,2], label='{0} optimisation'.format(self._ordinal(i+1))) mol = self._create_molecule().r_array a,b,c=plane ax.scatter(*mol[a-1], c='k', marker='^', s=30, label='Atom {0}'.format(a)) ax.scatter(*mol[b-1], c='k', marker='o', s=30, label='Atom {0}'.format(b)) ax.scatter(*mol[c-1], c='k', marker='s', s=30, label='Atom {0}'.format(c)) ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.) if ax_lims: x, y, z = ax_lims ax.set_xlim3d(-x, x) ax.set_ylim3d(-y, y) ax.set_zlim3d(-z, z) if ax_labels: ax.set_xlabel('x (nm)') ax.set_ylabel('y (nm)') ax.set_zlabel('z (nm)') return ax
[docs] def calc_nbo_charge(self, atoms=[]): """ returns total charge of the atoms """ charges = self._read_data('_nbo_data', 'atomcharges')['natural'] if atoms==[]: return np.sum(charges) atoms = self.get_atom_group(atoms) atoms = np.array(atoms) -1 # 1->0 base try: subcharges = charges[atoms] except IndexError: return np.nan return np.sum(subcharges)
[docs] def calc_nbo_charge_center(self, p1, p2, p3, positive=True, units='nm', atoms=[]): """ returns the distance r amd angles theta, phi of the positive/negative charge center to the circumcenter of the plane formed by [p1, p2, p3] the plane formed will have; x-axis along p1, y-axis anticlock-wise towards p2, z-axis normal to the plane theta (azimuth) is the in-plane angle from the x-axis towards the y-axis phi (inclination) is the out-of-plane angle from the x-axis towards the z-axis """ molecule = self._create_molecule(alignment_atoms=(p1, p2, p3)) charges = self._read_data('_nbo_data', 'atomcharges')['natural'] coords = molecule.r_array atoms = self.get_atom_group(atoms) if atoms: atoms = np.array(atoms) -1 # 1->0 base charges = charges[atoms] coords = coords[atoms] if positive: weighted_coords = charges[charges>0] * coords[charges>0].T else: weighted_coords = -1*charges[charges<0] * coords[charges<0].T charge_center = np.mean(weighted_coords.T, axis=0) x, y, z = charge_center r = self._converter(sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z), 'nm', units) theta = degrees(atan2(y, x)) phi = degrees(atan2(z, x)) return r, theta, phi
[docs] def get_sopt_analysis(self, eunits='kJmol-1', atom_groups=[], charge_info=False): """interactions between "filled" (donor) Lewis-type Natural Bonding Orbitals (NBOs) and "empty" (acceptor) non-Lewis NBOs, using Second Order Perturbation Theory (SOPT) Parameters ---------- eunits : str the units of energy to return atom_groups : [list or str, list or str] restrict interactions to between two lists (or identifiers) of atom indexes charge_info : bool include charge info for atoms (under headings 'A_Charges' and 'D_Charges') Returns ------- analysis : pandas.DataFrame a table of interactions """ #sopt = copy.deepcopy(self._read_data('_nbo_data', 'sopt')) sopt = self._read_data('_nbo_data', 'sopt') df = pd.DataFrame(sopt, columns=['Dtype', 'Donors', 'Atype', 'Acceptors', 'E2']) if atom_groups: group1, group2 = atom_groups group1 = self.get_atom_group(group1) group2 = self.get_atom_group(group2) match_rows=[] for indx, rw in df.iterrows(): if set(group1).issuperset(rw.Acceptors) and set(group2).issuperset(rw.Donors): match_rows.append(rw) elif set(group2).issuperset(rw.Acceptors) and set(group1).issuperset(rw.Donors): match_rows.append(rw) df = pd.DataFrame(match_rows) if not eunits=='kcal': df.E2 = convertor(df.E2, 'kcal', eunits) typ = self._read_data('_nbo_data', 'molecule').type_array df['D_Symbols'] = df.Donors.apply(lambda x: [typ[i-1] for i in x]) df['A_Symbols'] = df.Acceptors.apply(lambda x: [typ[i-1] for i in x]) if charge_info: chrg= self._read_data('_nbo_data', 'atomcharges')['natural'] df['D_Charges'] = df.Donors.apply(lambda x: [chrg[i-1] for i in x]) df['A_Charges'] = df.Acceptors.apply(lambda x: [chrg[i-1] for i in x]) return df[['Dtype', 'Donors', 'D_Symbols', 'D_Charges', 'Atype', 'Acceptors', 'A_Symbols', 'A_Charges', 'E2']] else: return df[['Dtype', 'Donors', 'D_Symbols', 'Atype', 'Acceptors', 'A_Symbols', 'E2']]
[docs] def get_hbond_analysis(self, min_energy=0., atom_groups=[], eunits='kJmol-1'): """EXPERIMENTAL! hydrogen bond analysis (DH---A), using Second Order Bond Perturbation Theiry Parameters ---------- min_energy : float the minimum interaction energy to report eunits : str the units of energy to return atom_groups : [list or str, list or str] restrict interactions to between two lists (or identifiers) of atom indexes Returns ------- analysis : pandas.DataFrame a table of interactions Notes ----- uses a strict definition of a hydrogen bond as: interactions between "filled" (donor) Lewis-type Lone Pair (LP) NBOs and "empty" (acceptor) non-Lewis Bonding (BD) NBOs """ df = self.get_sopt_analysis(atom_groups=atom_groups, eunits=eunits) df = df[df.E2 >= min_energy] df = df[df.A_Symbols.apply(lambda x: 'H' in x) & df.Dtype.str.contains('LP') & df.Atype.str.contains('BD*')] return df
[docs] def calc_sopt_energy(self, atom_groups=[], eunits='kJmol-1', no_hbonds=False): """calculate total energy of interactions between "filled" (donor) Lewis-type Natural Bonding Orbitals (NBOs) and "empty" (acceptor) non-Lewis NBOs, using Second Order Perturbation Theory Parameters ---------- eunits : str the units of energy to return atom_groups : [list or str, list or str] restrict interactions to between two lists (or identifiers) of atom indexes no_hbonds : bool whether to ignore H-Bonds in the calculation Returns ------- analysis : pandas.DataFrame a table of interactions """ df = self.get_sopt_analysis(atom_groups=atom_groups, eunits=eunits) if no_hbonds: dfh = df[df.A_Symbols.apply(lambda x: 'H' in x) & df.Dtype.str.contains('LP') & df.Atype.str.contains('BD*')] df = df.loc[set(df.index).difference(dfh.index)] return df.E2.sum()
[docs] def show_sopt_bonds(self, min_energy=20., cutoff_energy=0., atom_groups=[], bondwidth=5, eunits='kJmol-1', no_hbonds=False, gbonds=True, active=False, represent='ball_stick', rotations=[[0., 0., 0.]], zoom=1., width=300, height=300, axis_length=0, lines=[], relative=False, minval=-1, maxval=1, alpha=0.5, transparent=True, background='white', ipyimg=True): """visualisation of interactions between "filled" (donor) Lewis-type Natural Bonding Orbitals (NBOs) and "empty" (acceptor) non-Lewis NBOs, using Second Order Perturbation Theory """ df = self.get_sopt_analysis(atom_groups=atom_groups, eunits=eunits) df = df[df.E2 >= min_energy] if no_hbonds: dfh = self.get_hbond_analysis(min_energy=min_energy, eunits=eunits, atom_groups=atom_groups) df = df.loc[set(df.index).difference(dfh.index)] molecule = self._create_molecule(gbonds=gbonds) drawlines = lines[:] for i, rw in df.iterrows(): d_coord = np.mean([molecule.r_array[d-1] for d in rw.Donors], axis=0) a_coord = np.mean([molecule.r_array[a-1] for a in rw.Acceptors], axis=0) dashed = rw.E2 < cutoff_energy drawlines.append([d_coord, a_coord, 'blue', 'red', max([1, bondwidth-1]), dashed]) colorlist = self._get_charge_colors(relative, minval, maxval, alpha=alpha) return self._show_molecule(molecule, active=active, represent=represent, rotations=rotations, zoom=zoom, colorlist=colorlist, lines=drawlines, axis_length=axis_length, width=width, height=height, linestyle='lines', transparent=transparent, background=background, ipyimg=ipyimg)
[docs] def calc_hbond_energy(self, atom_groups=[], eunits='kJmol-1'): df = self.get_hbond_analysis(atom_groups=atom_groups, eunits=eunits) return df.E2.sum()
[docs] def show_hbond_analysis(self, min_energy=0., atom_groups=[], cutoff_energy=0., eunits='kJmol-1', bondwidth=5, gbonds=True, active=False, represent='ball_stick', rotations=[[0., 0., 0.]], zoom=1., width=300, height=300, axis_length=0, lines=[], relative=False, minval=-1, maxval=1, alpha=0.5, transparent=True, background='white',ipyimg=True): """EXPERIMENTAL! hydrogen bond analysis DH---A For a hydrogen bond to occur there must be both a hydrogen donor and an acceptor present. The donor in a hydrogen bond is the atom to which the hydrogen atom participating in the hydrogen bond is covalently bonded, and is usually a strongly electronegative atom such as N, O, or F. The hydrogen acceptor is the neighboring electronegative ion or molecule, and must posses a lone electron pair in order to form a hydrogen bond. Since the hydrogen donor is strongly electronegative, it pulls the covalently bonded electron pair closer to its nucleus, and away from the hydrogen atom. The hydrogen atom is then left with a partial positive charge, creating a dipole-dipole attraction between the hydrogen atom bonded to the donor, and the lone electron pair on the acceptor. """ df = self.get_hbond_analysis(min_energy=min_energy, eunits=eunits, atom_groups=atom_groups) molecule = self._create_molecule(gbonds=gbonds) drawlines = lines[:] for i, rw in df.iterrows(): d_coord = np.mean([molecule.r_array[d-1] for d in rw.Donors], axis=0) h_indx = rw.A_Symbols.index('H') a_coord = molecule.r_array[rw.Acceptors[h_indx]-1] dashed = rw.E2 < cutoff_energy drawlines.append([d_coord, a_coord, 'blue', 'red', max([1, bondwidth-1]), dashed]) colorlist = self._get_charge_colors(relative, minval, maxval, alpha=alpha) return self._show_molecule(molecule, active=active, represent=represent, background=background, rotations=rotations, zoom=zoom, colorlist=colorlist, lines=drawlines, axis_length=axis_length, width=width, height=height, linestyle='lines', transparent=transparent, ipyimg=ipyimg)
def _get_dos(self, mol, atoms=[], dos_type='all', eunits='eV', per_energy=1., lbound=None, ubound=None): num_mo = mol.get_orbital_count() if not lbound: lbound = mol.get_orbital_energies(1, eunits=eunits) if not ubound: ubound = mol.get_orbital_energies(mol.get_orbital_count(), eunits=eunits) #round down/up to nearest multiple of per_energy lenergy_bound = lbound - (lbound % per_energy) uenergy_bound = ubound + (per_energy - ubound % per_energy) num_bins = int((uenergy_bound-lenergy_bound) / per_energy) if atoms: df_occupancy = pd.DataFrame(mol._read_data('_nbo_data', 'nbo_occupancy'), columns=['NBO', 'Atom', 'Occ']) sub_df = df_occupancy[df_occupancy.Atom.isin(atoms)].groupby('NBO').sum() sub_df = sub_df.reindex(range(1, num_mo+1)) weights = sub_df.Occ.fillna(0)/100. else: weights=None freq, e_edges = np.histogram( mol.get_orbital_energies(np.arange(1, num_mo+1), eunits=eunits), bins=num_bins, range=(lenergy_bound, uenergy_bound), density=False, weights=weights) #energy = bin_edges[:-1] + 0.5*(bin_edges[1:]-bin_edges[:-1]) df = pd.DataFrame(zip(e_edges[:-1], e_edges[1:], freq), columns=['MinEnergy', 'MaxEnergy', 'Freq']) homo, lumo = mol.get_orbital_homo_lumo() if dos_type == 'all': pass elif dos_type == 'homo': df = df[df.MinEnergy <= mol.get_orbital_energies(homo, eunits=eunits)[0]] elif dos_type == 'lumo': df = df[df.MaxEnergy >= mol.get_orbital_energies(lumo, eunits=eunits)[0]] else: raise ValueError('dos_type must be; all, homo or lumo') return df def _plot_single_dos(self, mol, atoms=[], dos_type='all', eunits='eV', per_energy=1., lbound=None, ubound=None, ax=None, color='g', label='', line=True, linestyle='-', linewidth=2, linealpha = 1, fill=True, fillalpha = 1, df=None): if df is None: df = self._get_dos(mol, atoms=atoms, dos_type=dos_type, per_energy=per_energy, eunits=eunits, lbound=lbound, ubound=ubound) energy = df.set_index('Freq').stack().values freq = df.set_index('Freq').stack().index.droplevel(level=1).values if not ax: fig, ax = plt.subplots() if line: ax.plot(freq, energy, label=label, color=color, alpha=linealpha, linestyle=linestyle, linewidth=linewidth) #drawstyle='steps-mid') else: ax.plot([], [], label=label, color=color, linewidth=linewidth) if fill: ax.fill_betweenx(energy, freq, color=color, alpha=fillalpha) return ax
[docs] def plot_dos(self, eunits='eV', per_energy=1., lbound=None, ubound=None, color_homo='g', color_lumo='r', homo_lumo_lines=True,homo_lumo_values=True,band_gap_value=True, legend_size=10, ax=None): """plot Density of States and HOMO/LUMO gap Parameters ---------- eunits : str unit of energy per_energy : float energy interval to group states by lbound : float lower bound energy ubound : float upper bound energy color_homo : matplotlib.colors color of homo in matplotlib format color_lumo : matplotlib.colors color of lumo in matplotlib format homo_lumo_lines : bool draw lines at HOMO and LUMO energies homo_lumo_values : bool annotate HOMO and LUMO lines with exact energy values band_gap_value : bool annotate inbetween HOMO and LUMO lines with band gap value legend_size : int the font size (in pts) for the legend ax : matplotlib.Axes an existing axes to plot the data on Returns ------- plot : matplotlib.axes.Axes plotted optimisation data """ if not ax: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_xlabel('Density of States (per {0} {1})'.format(per_energy, eunits)) ax.set_ylabel('Energy ({})'.format(eunits)) mol = self self._plot_single_dos(mol, ax=ax, label='HOMO', dos_type='homo', color=color_homo, line=False, fillalpha=0.3, per_energy=per_energy, eunits=eunits, lbound=lbound, ubound=ubound) self._plot_single_dos(mol, ax=ax, label='LUMO', dos_type='lumo', color=color_lumo, fillalpha=0.3, line=False, per_energy=per_energy, eunits=eunits, lbound=lbound, ubound=ubound) homo, lumo = mol.get_orbital_energies(mol.get_orbital_homo_lumo()) xlower, xupper = ax.get_xbound() if homo_lumo_lines: ax.plot([xlower, xupper], [homo,homo], 'g-', linewidth=2) ax.plot([xlower, xupper], [lumo,lumo], 'r-', linewidth=2) if homo_lumo_values: ax.annotate('{0}{1}'.format(homo.round(1), eunits), xy=(xupper, homo), xytext=(-5, -10), ha='right', textcoords='offset points') ax.annotate('{0}{1}'.format(lumo.round(1), eunits), xy=(xupper, lumo), xytext=(-5, 5), ha='right', textcoords='offset points') if band_gap_value: gap = lumo-homo ax.annotate('{0}{1}'.format(gap.round(1), eunits), xy=(xupper, homo+0.5*gap), xytext=(-5, -4), ha='right', textcoords='offset points') ax.set_ybound(lbound, ubound) if legend_size: ax.legend(framealpha=0.5, prop={'size':legend_size}) ax.grid(True) return ax
def _img_to_plot(self, x, y, image, ax=None, zoom=1): """add image to matplotlib axes at (x,y) """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() im = OffsetImage(image, zoom=zoom) artists = [] ab = AnnotationBbox(im, (x, y), xycoords='data', frameon=False) artists.append(ax.add_artist(ab)) #ax.update_datalim(np.column_stack([x, y])) ax.autoscale(tight=False) return artists # TODO get fixed atoms from scan file
[docs] def plot_pes_scans(self, fixed_atoms, eunits='kJmol-1', img_pos='', rotation=[0., 0., 0.], zoom=1, order=1): """plot Potential Energy Scan Parameters ---------- img_pos : <'','local_mins','local_maxs','global_min','global_max'> position image(s) of molecule conformation(s) on plot rotation : [float, float, float] rotation of molecule image(s) """ scan_datas = self._pes_data if len(fixed_atoms) == 4: xlabel = 'Dihedral Angle' func = self.calc_dihedral_angle elif len(fixed_atoms)==3: xlabel = 'Valence Angle' func = self.calc_bond_angle else: raise Exception('not 3 or 4 fixed atoms') angles = [] energies = [] mols = [] for scan in scan_datas: for i in range('nscans')): mol ='molecule', scan=i) mols.append(self._create_molecule(data=scan, scan_step=i)) angles.append(func(fixed_atoms, mol=mol)) energies.extend('scanenergies')) # remove duplicate angles and sort by angle # so that the local max are found correctly df = pd.DataFrame({'energy':convertor(np.array(energies), 'eV', eunits), 'angle':angles, 'mol':mols}) df['rounded'] = df.angle.round(2) #rounding errors? df.drop_duplicates('rounded', inplace=True) df.sort('angle', inplace=True) angles = np.array(df.angle.tolist()) energies = np.array( fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(angles, energies-energies.min()) ax.scatter(angles, energies-energies.min()) ax.set_ylabel('Relative Energy ({0})'.format(eunits)) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.grid(True) feature_dict = { '':[], 'local_maxs' : df.index[argrelextrema(energies, np.greater, mode='wrap', order=order)[0]], 'local_mins' : df.index[argrelextrema(energies, np.less, mode='wrap', order=order)[0]], 'global_min' : [], 'global_max' : []} for indx in feature_dict[img_pos]: img = self._image_molecule(df.mol.loc[indx], rotation=rotation, represent='ball_stick') img = self._color_to_transparent(img) self._img_to_plot(df.angle.loc[indx],[indx]-energies.min(), img, zoom=zoom, ax=ax) return ax, df